Home remedies for dandruff

Photo by Modern Attraction / Unsplash

Skin cells that grow and die very fast result in excess shedding of the top layer of the dead skin. Such a layer present on the scalp appears as white flakes and it is known as Dandruff, or Seborrhoea.

It occurs when the scalp becomes dry or greasy. Such conditions appear due to poor hair brushing and regular shampooing habits, dry skin, stress and improper diets.
Stress does not cause dandruff, but it aggravates dryness and itching.  
Dandruff may also appear due to the growth of a specific type of fungus called Malassezia. Dandruff is harmless and not contagious but it is unpleasant and leads to other skin issues like seborrheic dermatitis, pimples and acne.

Dandruff can be stopped by slowing down the reproduction of skin cells and there are several remedies to treat dandruff. Although, there are plenty of remedies, natural remedies are more effective. They can reduce symptoms and provide relief.
Some of our kitchen ingredients which we use every day are more effective among dandruff remedies.

Natural home remedies to treat dandruff at home without using harmful chemicals are

  • Aloe Vera -- the antibacterial and antifungal properties of aloe vera control  fungal infections that cause dandruff and hair loss from the scalp.
  • Amla Paste -- effective anti-dandruff hair pack. Amla powder should be mixed with tulsi leaves and water and this mixture should be thoroughly applied on the scalp and for 30-40 minutes before rinsing off.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar -- it has probiotics and anti-inflammatory properties which kill viruses and yeast that cause itchiness on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe scalp irritations caused by dandruff. Apple cider vinegar also acts as a mild conditioner, which helps in soothing the scalp and adds shining to the hair.
  • Baby Oil – As it is fats free, does not allow the fungal growth and thus helps in the elimination of dandruff.
  • Baking Soda -- acts as a scrub. Scalp and wet hair should be rubbed with a spoonful of baking soda. Anti-fungal properties of it relax the scalp by reducing redness and itching.
  • Banana and avocado -- reduce dry flakes and inflammation. Also act as conditioner to the scalp and hair. Two bananas are mashed with one avocado and applied on the scalp where it is itchy.
  • Basil Leaves -- antibacterial and antifungal properties of basil leaves help treat dandruff and also increase the strength of the scalp.
  • Castor Oil -- antimicrobial properties of Ricinoleic acid and ricin present in castor oil reduce dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Castor oil   keeps both the scalp and the hair moisturized.
  • Coconut Oil Massage ---- nourishes the hair. Applying Camphor with coconut oil reduces dandruff effectively and cools down the scalp. For effective result, lemon has to be mixed in warm coconut oil and applied on the scalp for at least 30 minutes before washing it.
  • Curd -- contains probiotics, which help in treating dandruff. Some curd should be applied to hair and scalp for about one hour before rinsing.
  • Egg Yolks -- Egg yolks contain Biotin, which helps treat dandruff. They also condition the hair and make it healthier.
  • Fenugreek --- overnight soaked, ground paste of methi or fenugreek seeds applied on the scalp and hair
  • Garlic -- garlic is crushed and rubbed on the scalp. Antimicrobial properties of garlic reduce dandruff-causing bacteria.
  • Henna or Mehndi -- The binding property of henna to the keratin of the hair, relieves scalp irritation and dandruff by forming a protective layer. It also reduces oiliness of the scalp and acts as a conditioner.
  • Lavender Oil -- antifungal property reduces dandruff, and it also soothes the skin.
  • Lemon juice Massage -- lemons juice is acidic and has antiseptic properties. They alter the pH level of the scalp, and remove dandruff causing bacteria and fungus.
  • Multani Mitti Hair Pack -- for soft, silky hair and dandruff-free hair.
  • Neem Juice--- anti-bacterial properties of neem cure the dandruff effectively.
  • Olive oil -- Scalp is massaged with about 10 drops of olive oil and the scalp should be covered with a shower cap overnight.
  • Orange peel – effective anti-dandruff hair pack. Powdered peel made into paste and applied to the scalp.
  • Tea Tree Oil -- anti-acne and anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil fight against fungal and bacterial infections. One or two drops of tea tree oil should be added to shampoo and hair can be washed normally.
  • Vinegar -- The acidic content of vinegar reduces flaking and helps in treating itchy, dry skin by killing dandruff-causing fungus and bacteria. An equal quantity of white vinegar mixed with water should be applied on the scalp for about half an hour before a head wash.

After applying the ingredients, the hair should be washed or rinsed with shampoo.

Photo by Alexander Lyubavin / Unsplash

It is better to avoid dandruff shampoo, and choose any of these home remedy methods to treat dandruff.  A little exposure to sunlight also reduces dandruff.