Lemon therapeutic effects

Photo by Tom Paolini / Unsplash

The food we eat is one of the best lines of defence against diseases. A balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will strengthen our immune system. When it comes to citrus fruits, most people enjoy eating oranges, tangerines and grapefruit; but lemons have such a sharp taste, that are usually reserved for flavouring sauces and drinks.

Traditionally, a drink of lemon juice, hot water and a teaspoon of honey has been used as a remedy for cold. Fresh lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C and contains very few calories. The antioxidant vitamin C, helps to fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduces wrinkles, and improves overall skin texture. Vitamin C of lemons helps reduce symptoms of asthma. Vitamin C and other antioxidants of Lemon help the immune system fight against germs that cause cold and flu.

Lemon juice has long been used as an astringent, diaphoretic (an agent that increases sweat), diuretic (that increases the flow of urine.), mouthwash, lotion, and tonic.   Lemon has also been used externally for acne, fungus (ringworm and athlete's foot), sunburn, and warts. Lemon juice may increase iron absorption.

Lemon is effective in fighting flu, tonsillitis, headache, colds and also helps in stopping haemorrhages, regulating blood pressure, improving digestion, cleaning the blood and skin and weight loss.
Lemon and lemon juice can help fight the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer.

Photo by Kike Salazar N / Unsplash

According to the American Heart Association, consuming higher amounts of citrus fruits may lower ischemic stroke risk for women. Drinking 2 litres of lemonade throughout the day can raise citrate levels in the urine. This might help to prevent kidney stones (Nephrolithiasis).
A chemical in lemon called eriodictyol glycoside improves hearing and decreases dizziness, nausea, and vomiting in some people with Meniere's disease.

Lemon juice and lemon oil have antimicrobial action. Lemon juice oil helps to relieve rheumatism by stimulating the liver to expel toxins from the body.
Pharmacologically, lemon is mainly important for its vitamin C nutritional value and for its potassium content.
Vitamin C deficiency causes Scurvy. Lemon provides vitamin C and helps to treat scurvy.

Consumption of lemon decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion, increased energy, and lower weight.

Some people are allergic to citrus fruits as they are linked to migraine. As lemon juice is highly acidic, it can destroy tooth enamel.

Photo by Juan Carlos Rivera / Unsplash

Lemons are treated with fungicide spray and wax. So, lemon should be washed thoroughly under warm water before grating its skin.