Natural Blood Thinners

Blood clots stop the flow of blood to the heart, lungs, or brain. They can cause a heart attack or stroke. A common name for an anticoagulant agent used to prevent the formation of blood clots is called blood thinner.

Blood-thinners do not really thin the blood. They prevent blood from clotting. Blood thinners or anticoagulants inhibit platelet blood cells from clotting.
Blood thinners are medications taken orally or intravenously (through a vein) to prevent a blood clot.
If a person is suffering from blood clotting problems (thick blood) or at a high risk of developing blood clots or a stroke, a blood thinner is essential to continue a good health. Thinning the blood will increase a person's blood circulation, which in turn speeds up the metabolism and makes a person feel warmer.
Pharmaceutical blood thinners are prone to very serious and nasty side-effects such as dizziness, headache, muscle ache and pain, internal bleeding, stomach ulcers, kidney failure and various other problems that destroy health.

One type of natural blood thinners are substances that block vitamin K, known as salicylates.

Salicylates block vitamin K (anticoagulant vitamin) to thin the blood, increasing the blood circulation and thus increasing the metabolism. Foods that are higher in salicylates include many spices, most fruits, especially dried fruits, nuts, and also some flavorings and preservatives.
Herbs: Cayenne pepper, Cinnamon, curry powder, garlic, Oregano, peppermint, ginger, oregano, dill, licorice, turmeric,
Fruits: Oranges, raisins, tangerines, prunes, strawberries, cherries, grapes, cranberries, blueberries
Other Substances: Honey, chewing gum, vinegar, cider, wine
Cayenne pepper: This is the most potent and fast-acting blood thinner. In large quantities it has been used for relief from angina and heart attack recovery.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon contains a chemical called coumarin that acts as a powerful anticoagulant. Long-term cinnamon consumption in foods, can cause liver damage.
Curry Powder: Rich in salicylates, which are useful in blocking clot producing Vitamin K.
Garlic: Garlic and onions contain natural antibiotics that can kill the intestinal bacteria which manufacture vitamin K. Garlic has nine different compounds that prevent the blood platelets from sticking together).
Ginger: The ginger is herbal blood thinner used to thin the blood and promoting healthy circulation.

Other natural Blood Thinners:

Vitamin E Rich Foods--Mustard greens, spinach, almonds, kale, collard greens, red bell peppers, kiwi, papaya, broccoli, wheat and vegetable oils. Vitamin E inhibits blood clot formation through a variety of mechanisms
Omega- 3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids can work to lower cholesterol levels and can help to distract blood clots.
Fish oil, Walnuts, Flax Seed Oil & Olive Oil, Pumpkin Seeds
Water is considered one of the most effective blood thinners. When the body is dehydrated, the blood tends to thicken and clump. Drinking water helps to thin the blood and keeps the blood running smoothly.
Sunshine-Exposure to the sun can help to improve circulation and thin the blood. This is believed to be caused by the vitamin D that the body synthesizes when exposed to the sun.
Vigorous exercise lowers vitamin K levels and thus prevents blood clot.
Pineapple (bromelain). …  Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples. It acts as a blood-thinner by reducing excessive blood platelet adhesiveness.

All blood-thinning foods should be used with care, as they can increase the risk of bleeding. This can be problematic if a person is taking any blood-thinning medications, or a person is at an increased risk for bleeding.