Fungal infections (part-1)

Photo by Slawek K / Unsplash

Fungus is a primitive organism that grows in different regions including extreme environments such as deserts or areas with high salt concentrations etc., and distributed throughout the world. Fungi can live in the air, soil, water, and plants and some fungi live naturally in the human body.

Fungi includes Mushrooms, mold, yeast and mildew.  Like bacteria, there are both harmful and harmless fungi. Not all, but only about half of all types of fungi are harmful to health.

Harmful fungal types cause fungal infections which are common in humans. They are not very serious and if treated quickly and correctly serious complications can be prevented.


Fungal infections can affect anyone and occur at any time without any recognizable cause. The conditions like warmness, moisture, irritation and scraping of the skin cause fungal proliferation which in turn causes disease.
The infections will be severe if the immune system is seriously impaired and among those who are taking antibiotics.

Antibiotic treatment gets rid of the harmful organisms but also destroys the ‘friendly bacteria’ that control fungal populations. Persons who are under cancer treatment and diabetic are more prone to fungal infections.

Fungal infections start in the lungs due to the inhalation of fungal spores that are found in air or on the skin due to their settlement on the skin.

Photo by Sandy Millar / Unsplash

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