health Home remedies for dandruff Skin cells that grow and die very fast result in excess shedding of the top layer of the dead skin. Such a layer present on the scalp appears as white flakes and it is known as Dandruff 4 years ago • 4 min read
food Vegan & vegetarian diet (Part-2) Though meat or fish are ready sources of some essential minerals and vitamins, a well balanced diet that includes a wide variety of foods will provide vegans and vegetarians with all the nutrients they need. 4 years ago • 3 min read
food Vegan & vegetarian diet (Part-1) A healthy diet emphasizes the importance of a diet low in saturated fat, high in whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables which is nothing but a vegan or vegetarian diet. 4 years ago • 2 min read
health Fungal infections (part-3) Treatment | Fungi cannot be killed easily. Fungal infections are treated with topical antifungal ointments and in the case of severe infections, oral medications are required 4 years ago • 2 min read
health Fungal infections (part-2) Bread Mold is a type of fungus that grows in areas with poor ventilation and in humid environments such as bathroom or kitchen, cluttered storage areas, recently flooded areas etc. 4 years ago • 2 min read
health Fungal infections (part-1) Fungus is a primitive organism that grows in different regions including extreme environments such as deserts or areas with high salt concentrations etc., and distributed throughout the world. 4 years ago • 1 min read
health Insomnia The perception of poor quality of sleep is called Insomnia. It is a common sleep disorder that includes a wide range of sleeping disorders, from lack of sleep quality to lack of sleep quantity. 4 years ago • 3 min read
food Lemon therapeutic effects Lemon juice has long been used as an astringent, diaphoretic (an agent that increases sweat), diuretic (that increases the flow of urine.), mouthwash, lotion, and tonic. 4 years ago • 2 min read
health Vitamin D source: The Sun Vitamin D is fat soluble vitamin and it is naturally made by our body when the skin is exposed to the sun. 4 years ago • 4 min read
health Stress causes hair loss in women Stress causes hair loss. Stress also causes hormonal imbalance and it may lead to serious problems with hair. 4 years ago • 3 min read